
What You Need Is a Bottomless Cup of Encouragement

I sat down on the stairs Monday night and had myself a good cry. (Here I pause to contemplate how many times I’ve blogged about crying. Dumb girl.) It all started the night before when I pulled Matt’s new, expensive birthday sweater out of the dryer and saw it appeared smaller than when I purchased it. (And how many times have I cried about things I’ve shrunk in the dryer?)

Then there was an email criticism the next morning and a long day full of sundry other ego-deflating experiences.

Thus I plopped myself down on the stairs and let it all out. My whole family was gone, and only the house and God could hear. I kept wishing Matt were home, because he is in charge of telling me I’m much more awesome and wonderful than I really am. This was in his marriage vows.

Except Matt was away, which left me praying, several times in a row, Lord, I need some encouragement here.

Now let me tell you, the next morning I was trying to hold onto hope but was still feeling a bit of a slumpy hangover.

That’s when I opened my email to find a note from Matt.

Matt doesn’t write me notes. I’m in charge of written words, and he’s in charge of whisper-it-in-your-ear words. But there he was writing to me good morning and that I am awesome.

So first of all, isn’t he wonderful?

Second of all, I asked God to encourage me, and he kindly sent me a note from my man.

I read it over and over.

More and more I’ve been coming out and praying it: Lord, I need encouragement to keep going. Something. Anything. 

I have yet to pray that prayer without receiving.

Listen to Paul’s prayer for the believers:

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 NIV)

Encouragement is yours for the asking.  -christyfitzwater.com

Encouragement is an unending resource that has already been made available to us.

For every day and every minute we need it.

I pray God will encourage and strengthen you in a personal way today.


  1. Renewed_Daily says:

    Loved this post. And just so you know, I’ve been praying specifically for you this week. Your hubby is right, you are wonderful. I know because your posts have been the answer to so many of MY “I need encouragement” prayers. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    1. It is amazing you can encourage me when I know you have so many of your own struggles. Thank you so much for your prayers.

  2. Wonna Goodwin says:

    I pray that you have a good day. I feel what you are going through. Some days I pray and cry all the way home from work.

  3. Today, dear one, you have been God’s instrument to provide encouragement for me. Oh, I have missed reading your words! delivered by and through God’s Holy Spirit! Today, I am the one on the stairs, trying diligently to hold it all in when I should be crying out to God to sent me encouragement. How Great He is to send it when I have yet to ask! Thank You!

    1. Brenda, I haven’t chatted with you forever. I’m praying for you this morning.

  4. God’s encouragement comes in many forms..one of which is the daily blog of Godly woman..thank you for your faithfulness in allowing God to use you.

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