

living a life free from guilt and shame

One feeling we have in common is guilt –that underlying feeling that we’re always in the process of failing something or someone. We long to be the perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect friend, and perfect homemaker, but is that even possible? In Blameless, I want to tell you that we can become better women. God is not waiting for us to fail everything. Instead, he has heavily invested in our success. Before he even created the world, he thought about the kind of perfect woman you should be, and he made a way for that to happen. Will you grab on to the hope that living a blameless life is possible? This has always been God’s intention for you, so step out of guilt and into a life where becoming flawless is the guarantee.

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About the Book

Do you want to know what it’s like to wake up and know you’ve won?

Every voice inside and around us is saying something different. Instinctively, we seem to know we are not enough. Our accomplishments, our service towards others, our bodies will never measure up. And the outside world does nothing but steadily support our feelings. In the fear, which feels like truth, we turn to God. Yet even He asks us to be ‘Holy as He is Holy’, to be perfect. With our last resort gone, we unconsciously cave in to the feeling of failure.

But Christy has something different to say: God has something much different to say. This book, through its stories and everyday life, is about heavenly freedom from risk. Beyond us feeling inadequate, beyond hopelessness and despair, is our God insisting on something different. Your performance doesn’t really matter because the results are His.

This book is about success granted before trying. And then trying because Blameless has always been the plan.

Author: Christy Fitzwater
Genres: Christian Life, Non-Fiction, Spiritual Growth
Publication Year: 2016
Length: 202 pages
ISBN: 9781981437115
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