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Anxious about How You’ll Make It through What’s Ahead?

A friend at church asked when my daughter is getting married. I said, May 25, and her eyes got big.

She said, Oh, that’s really soon. Like I should be scared.

So I was scared.

Anxious about making it through future stress?  -christyfitzwater.com

I had one of those talks with God where he sits calmly in the chair and I pace all around him, throwing my hands up in the air and asking how in the world I am gonna do new job and wedding and all the stuff in between.

He answered me with one word: Bread.

One day of bread at a time. 

Moses gives the Israelites clear instructions from the Lord. Gather enough manna for today. “No one is to keep any of it until morning.” (Exodus 16:19 NIV)

Those who try to get enough bread for tomorrow will find nothing but maggots and the stench of decayed food.

God sits unmoved in the chair, and his eyes lock hard with mine. He says, I will not give you what you need for May 25 until it is May 25. I will not give you what you need for May 24 until it is May 24. I will not give you what you need for May 23 until it is May 23. Do you understand?

I understand.

So I have quit checking Facebook and email first thing when I wake up. Steering away from the computer, I am going straight to my Bible and prayer notebook. I have great needs, so I must gather manna. 

Just enough for today.


  1. Twyla Klundt says:

    Ok This really hits home – Since my daughter is getting married in July …….and here
    is the kicker….my license plates say “Mannah” on them!! LOL

    1. Wow, there are a lot of us in the same boat right now. God will provide! 🙂

  2. Loree Johns says:

    I feel your anxiety! My son is getting married May 31 in California. I seem to be the only one who feels the steady drip of time ebbing away and deadlines looming. My peace also comes in the morning before emails. You are so right. His bread is the only way we survive. It puts everything into perspective. Thanks for reminding us.
    P.S. I got my “subscribe2” working on my new blog.

  3. Renewed_Daily says:

    I’ve been running on that theme in my heart for a few weeks now, feeling like I need a deeper grasp of the meaning of Daily Bread. Thank you for this very timely encouragement. It affirms that those thoughts are not my own. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    1. Why do we so want to see and be able to touch the strength we need for the future? Why isn’t just today’s provision enough? Wondering how long it will take me to truly learn this lesson…

  4. I needed this blog post today. Ps…I had a seven week engagement. You have lots of time 🙂

  5. Stephanie says:

    Beautiful! I thank God for working through your words to minister to me right where I need it. May He continue to bless and strengthen you.

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