Does Your Love for Jesus Run This Deep?
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:4 NIV) See what love looks like in this man’s story. Do we love Jesus this much?
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:4 NIV) See what love looks like in this man’s story. Do we love Jesus this much?
Lander Junior High was 100 yards from the public indoor swimming pool, so P.E. included one quarter of swimming lessons, which I despised (except for the five minutes in the hot tub at the end of class.) I remember swimming the full length of the deep end, with the teacher walking beside me the entire…
This is me opening my front door and inviting you in for a little party. Pretend my house is clean and there are homemade cream puffs and sugar cookies on the table, arranged in tiers around a Martha Stewart centerpiece. PRETEND, I said. Because this is my 500th blog post. Cue confetti. October 30, 2011…
Have you ever wondered what sound comes from the lips of a human being flogged with 40 lashes? The same sound that comes from the lips of a teenage boy being asked to take any form of liquid or tablet medicine. I bought Airborne chewables, delightful little orange-flavored, candy-ish tablets, now that school has started…
I am the perfect or the most annoying person to watch a movie with. I scream or cry or draw blood from the arm next to me at just the right moments. More than anything I love a good story. But sometimes when your to-do list says “clean toilets” again it’s hard to imagine your…
I was already a bit nervous about going to the high school retreat for school. It’s a two-day, overnight adventure, and I’m a bit more for book reading than adventure. But it’s such a great way to get to know students and play with them instead of being the teacher. So I went to bed…
Yesterday I assigned my beginning Spanish students to make vocabulary flashcards. They kept asking me, What does this mean? What does this mean? I soon discovered the vocabulary list had no English definitions, only the Spanish words. I had given them an impossible task. Oops. Today I shall help these poor students, by providing definitions…
I’m so stinkin’ tired. I started teaching a Bible study tonight (which I planned before I knew I was getting a job as a Spanish teacher), and tomorrow’s the first day of school, so I’ve been furiously making preparations for that. I might not brush my teeth before I go to bed tonight. At our…
I can barely breathe right now. I went from months of unemployed bliss and little responsibility to being employed as a teacher (so much work!) and getting ready to teach a Bible study for women on Wednesday nights. I guess somewhere in there people in this house are going to want clean underwear and milk…
My guys are hiking the Alpine Trail, while us girls are thrift store hopping. (Boy, are we tired carrying around our bag of clothes. I totally scored a Banana Republic pencil skirt!) My son got a cell signal on one mountain peak and gave me a holler. He sounds tired. They hiked six miles the first…
[To my guy readers, a heads up that this blog post includes decidedly female imagery. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.] Last week was so intense, at one point I looked at my daughter and said, Tomorrow’s blog post is going to be titled “The Day I Died from Stress.” She said, No, mom. On…
Yesterday my fingers were purple, and a good Montanan knows why. Huckleberries. Our family drove into the mountains (don’t be thinkin’ I can give you details of the location of our huck spot) where we bent over in the brush and braved horse flies for two hours, all for three quarts of berries. These will grace the tops…
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