
When You Don’t Know What to Do

I’m trying to decide about a few things, and it’s mostly miserable trying to make decisions.  I reason –listing pros and cons.  Then I pray –listening for God’s direction.  Then I reason again.  Then pray some more.

But the conclusion is the same –I don’t know what to do.

Years ago I found these wonderful words the Israelites prayed, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.”  (2 Chronicles 20:12  NIV)  Those are my default words every time I come to that pull-your-hair-out place –when reasoning leads to a dead end and a whole day of thinking and praying still hasn’t landed me on which way to go.

It’s the next verse that is the best.  “All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood there before the Lord.”  (2 Chronicles 20:13  NIV)

They just stood there.


what to do

This means a lot to me –this fact that the men and wives and children and little ones stood there –because the “what to do” decision will affect them all.

And doesn’t the whole family feel a momma’s decisions –what a momma decides to invest her life in –so shouldn’t the momma do a whole lot of standing?

Just standing there before the Lord.

Not always knowing what to do.

But knowing where to look.


  1. Heather Myers says:

    Thank you for sharing these words of encouragement. The verses you unveiled are perfect for me right now!

  2. This is so true Christy….. Several years ago I was in a loveless marriage and my children were suffering for it as well as myself while I sorted out what words like “commitment” and “self worth” meant to me. My life was changing fast and I felt like I had to make a decision which direction to go. It was a decision that would affect my children as well. HEAVY BURDEN. So, I decided to sit quietly and wait for direction and confirmation from God. I had tried all the other venues, books, family, friends, counselors and I was as conflicted as ever. So I sat quietly and waited…..I waited through the long silences, the uncomfortable exchanges between my husband and I, I waited through the sleepless nights and unsettled stomachs…. And while I was waiting I realized a decision this big is not a quick one and the answer doesn’t always come in the direction you are looking. While I sat quietly, pondering and praying for the strength to survive another day, The Lord took charge and began a change in my husbands heart. The changes began small enough neither one of us truly grasp what was happening. But as his attitude and behavior shifted and his words became softer, so did my heart. And here we are, 10 years later, not perfect but BETTER than ever before. I’m a firm believer in not acting impulsively, not caving to societies expectation for immediate action. Ask and ye shall receive, and the answer may even come from a totally different direction than you are looking ; )

    1. Oh wow -your story has encouraged me so much today. What incredible self-control it takes to wait on the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing God’s goodness. I hope you tell this story to every discouraged woman who crosses paths with you!!!

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