Unmanageable Life

She might have been slightly beyond exhaustion on Saturday morning, after her first two weeks of going back to work and first two days of teaching, when she cracked open the bedroom door and fell weeping into his arms.

Can’t sob do sob all sob of this.

Head buried in his strong, warm shoulder.

He listened and encouraged, but he couldn’t remove the weight of responsibility.

How does a woman write lesson plans most of the morning, work all afternoon, get laundry put away, write a blog post, buy groceries, thaw hamburger meat…

And care about the daughter in college, the tired husband, the boy who wishes she would buy fudgesicles, the church family…

So much and so many.

Feels like she can’t get a hold of it all.

Job speaks of “those who carry their god in their hands” –marauders and those who provoke God. (Job 1:6 NIV) They live for an idol they have carved themselves, a god small enough to wrap fingers around.

Her God is not like that.

He is big.

What does this un-holdable God do with a woman’s life?

Makes it big.

He gives her more to accomplish and more to care for and more to tend to than her fingers can hold. A God who cannot be carried in the hands fashions no small scope of work for his people.

Unmanageable life.  -christyfitzwater.com

Job makes the confession that must come from the lips of every woman:

“To God belong wisdom and power.”  (Job 1:13 NIV)

Power to do it all does not belong to women.

When she’s done soaking the man’s shoulder, she lifts up those small hands to beg power from the Omnipotent One.


  1. Thank you for this! Training for my new job has been good, but I’m starting to get nervous about being able to actually DO all these things I’m learning. God is bigger than all of it, though!!

    1. It seems impossible and overwhelming to learn a new job -I know! Yes, God is bigger, and he expands our ability to do what seems impossible. Don’t give up!

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