Praying for the One Who Is Far from God
I have his name written on a 3 x 5 card, slipped into one of the pockets in my $2 photo album that serves as an economical prayer journal.
I don’t know for sure, seein’s how as I can’t see into the soul of a man, but I’m pretty convinced, by all outward signs, that this one has never bent his knees in front of Jesus. The peril of his soul haunts me night and day.
I told my preacher husband, Don’t you wish you could crawl inside a person and turn his heart toward God?
But I can’t, so I labor over my friend in prayer.
As I’m praying for the salvation of this precious soul, I feel my helplessness –not just for him but for me. I can’t change him. Can’t change myself. I am completely dependent on Christ to do the work of transforming. This knowledge turns me into a beggar at the throne of God.
Please, Jesus. Make our hearts soft toward you.
One time when I was in high school a friend declared his atheism. My God-loving soul felt the slap of that statement, so I started praying for my friend. We graduated, and I kept praying. Four years later we ended up working at the same grocery store. After work one day, we were walking out together. I had been planning to talk to him about Jesus, but he spoke first.
Guess what?
He reached inside his shirt and pulled out a cross necklace.
I just decided to follow Christ.
Outwardly I rejoiced with him. Inwardly I did the cartwheels I could never manage to pull off in gymnastics class.
I couldn’t turn an atheist into a Christian, but God did it.
God did the work.
I bet you’re praying for someone. I know sometimes you feel tired and a bit hopeless, wondering if the person will ever love God. Well, let’s not give up.
Let’s keep praying for that soul the way somebody probably prayed for ours.