How Long Until We Know It’s Worth It?
There are always two weeks of skeptical waiting.
I follow Matt along the edge of the garden where we do a lot of squinting, trying to identify if that is a blade of grass or possibly the first green onion shoot.
Just a blade of grass, I say.
No sign of spinach, basil or potatoes either.
Me, ever dramatic: It will be a miracle if one single plant even comes out of the ground.
Matt, ever giving hope: I think it will be probably more of a miracle if not one single seed you planted comes up.
That was several days ago. Sure enough, today I see the most fragile beginnings of green onions, some promising spinach plants, and the bushy look of potatoes.
We walk along the edge of these days we put in as moms, and the time we spend volunteering, and the quiet time we spend with Bibles in our laps every morning, and we are tired and skeptical. It will be a miracle if one single good thing comes of this.
Oh, certainly it will be more of a miracle if not one single good thing grows out of all these little seeds we plant and water and wait for every day.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV)
Rewards for our work are coming -even if they haven’t pushed up where we can see ’em quite yet.
So happy to have stumbled upon this today. I also sent a text to my husband with Galations 6:9. We are facing our share of struggles, and I am encouraged by your words! Thank you.
I’m sorry. Relationships are so messy. I pray God will repair in a way that will have you rejoicing down the road!
What a lovely picture of our lives! Yes, I’m with Matt on this one! 🙂
Amen and amen. You are a sweet encourager! My spell check says that is spelled wrong …so it must not be a word. What does the computer know about encouragement?
It’s great to make up words! I think you encourage me more often than I encourage you, Susan. Thanks for always leaving a kind comment!
Just what I needed this morning. Sometimes, I feel like I am just spinning my wheels in all that I do. I have to remember that God is always at work around me and with me. I just need to keep moving forward in His will.
It is so easy to get discouraged when we don’t see results of our labor for a really long time. Thank God for lessons we can learn from the garden!