Can You See God’s Work in Your Life?
They all said it would take three years to be successful. Can you blog about your subject for three years? they said. At the time, I had only hit “publish” on seven blog posts, so three years seemed like forever.
Could I sit down and write about who God was in my life for 156 weeks in a row?
Now it has been over three years and moving toward 800 blog posts, and I am here to tell you that I have yet to run out of news to write about.
Coming up on Easter, it seems right to celebrate that Jesus is alive and at work. I know this, because I have been documenting his work in my heart and in the lives of people around me for 156 weeks.
I suppose that makes me a journalist.
Reporting the action.
At the same time, I am in a season of waiting to hear about some things, but I am too wise now to make the mistake of thinking God isn’t doing anything in my life because there is an appearance that nothing is moving.
Journalists wait and keep their eyes open for a good piece.
It’s a breaking story we want–in our own lives. Something big that’s worth a camera and a notepad. We want to be able to say… This just in!
But do you know what’s great about blogging? You have to sit down and write about your subject every week. This has forced me to stop waiting for the big headlines and to start seeing God in the plain days. Seems the plain days produce some of the best stories.
“Human interest” I think they call it.
Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” (John 5:17 NIV)
The Father is always at work. Always.
Maybe you’re not a writer, but how about this Easter challenge:
Get a notebook and keep it someplace handy. Be a journalist this year, with a self-imposed deadline to write at least three times a week about how you see Jesus at work in you and around you.
Jesus is alive. Take note.