I usually share a valuable link with you on Sunday mornings, but I’ve got nothin’ today –must have been on vacation in Canada all week!
On the drive back from Canada, I was quiet for a while. (Unusual.) Matt said, What are ya thinkin’?
I said, Um, well, just about what is meaningful in life. I was being quiet to spare you my deep philosophical thoughts.
Not sure if he was sorry he asked.Â
So I thought I’d let you all know that you’re a huge part of what’s meaningful in life for me. Before I started blogging, I used to have all these thoughts about God, and I wished I had someone I could share them with –someone who would listen and not yawn or think I was weird.
One day I was in the bathroom blowdrying my hair, and I had this incredible realization about a new truth, in a Bible verse I had been thinking about. I remember actually standing there, holding my hands out, shouting to an empty bedroom, I need to tell somebody this!
You’re my somebody.
I hope you read my blog because you learn valuable things, but I also want you to know that by reading here every day you give something to me. That friend thing –where you just listen, and even if what I’m saying is dumb or spelled wrong or doesn’t make sense that day, well you just keep listening and letting me speak.
One of the greatest gifts you can give to someone is to listen.
So here’s a Sunday morning thank you. My husband thanks you, too. (Can you imagine that he used to have to listen to all my thoughts by himself?)
By the way, I like to hear from you, too. When you leave comments it’s like having a friend stop in for a cup of coffee. It keeps me going to hear what God is doing in your life.
I’m going to pray for you on the way to my morning waffle.
Happy Sunday to you!
Christy, I look forward every morning to reading your blog. I always know that it will be something relevant and will minister to my spirit and heart.
Thank you for what you do!
Thanks for joining me every morning, Paula. I appreciate that!
Is that Lake Louise? (I think that’s the name.) I went to Canada in 1993 and that was one of our stops. It was beautiful. Subscribing in preparation for the October marriage series.
Yes it is -gorgeous isn’t it? Just to be clear -I’ve only written one day of the marriage series on Jolene Engle’s site, so you’ll need to subscribe to to receive the marriage posts.
Love you, friend! I don’t drink coffee but I’ll have a glass of orange juice with you any day! 🙂
Wonderful -but only if there’s a lot of ice in it. I have to have ice in my orange juice, which makes my husband crazy when we stop at McDonald’s.
This is exactly how I feel about my blog! Was just telling my hubby the other day how much these people I’ve never met mean to me, and how much I am encouraged by their thoughts. It’s amazing what a kindred feeling we can develop this way. I pray for you and your family every day. I’m thankful for your willingness to blog.
How precious -thank you so much for your prayers! It is wonderful to meet a fellow blogger. Yes, it is definitely a kindred feeling to care about people we haven’t met!
What a joy to wake up each morning to “listen” to you my friend:) Have an amazing day!
Thank you!
Trish, you’re always such a great encourager to me. Thank you!