Living in The Promise of A Good Day
Going old school today, with a spiral notebook and my favorite Paper Mate pen. I’ve tucked myself away in my bedroom -ceiling fan creating white noise. The page is blank, and it is Monday.
Nothing written.
No words yet. No scratched out lines because the first attempt didn’t sound quite right.
Soon my life will roll across the day the way my pen rolls across the page. It will be messy at times. I’ll try to do what God wants me to do, but there will be some moments I’ll wish I could scratch out. Some encounters I’ll wish had been written in pencil.
To erase and start again.
But days are written in pen, so I lean on Paul’s words that God is going to take my script -my sloppy script- and work it into something good. All for good. All for God’s glory.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)
I pray for your day -even if it hasn’t gotten off to a neat start -that God will work it for your good. I trust he will.