Living Close to The One Who Puts Things in Order
That man laughs at me most every night –mocks me, really. Because I lay down in bed and carefully fold the comforter over and then the blanket over that and then the sheet over that. This forms a taut cover, which I then neatly tuck under my chin.
He, on the other hand, grabs his covers and pulls them up.
Just grabs them, so they’re all a jumble, and sometimes the comforter is touching his chin instead of the sheet. You know that he looks at me with a wicked grin, enjoying how uncomfortable I am with his untidy sleeping habits.
“How can you even live with yourself?” I ask.
I do like order. Shirts always go on the hanger facing the left, thanks to my dad’s military training. Socks are organized by color in the drawer. Washrags are always folded with corners touching and tags tucked in. (It matters.)
Our junk drawer is organized in tidy compartments.
Cans in the pantry are faced. I chalk that up to several summers of working in a grocery store.
One day my daughter put something in my fridge, and she asked if it was okay where she put it. “I don’t want to mess with your refrigerator feng shui,” she said.
But one thing that is not in order in my life is all the stuff that comes my way in a day. Who would have known I would have a chat with the grocery checker that would lead to us planning a lunch date so I could get to know her?
Or the text from our pastor asking if we would host a summer intern.
Or the email asking if I would do some consultations for a class at church this summer.
That’s a lot of good but unexpected activities, for this girl who likes to line things up nice and even.
Yesterday afternoon I was feeling overwhelmed, which doesn’t take much for me, so I lay down on the couch and said, “Lord.” Followed by a big sigh and an attempt to breathe deeply.
He joined me there and brought Paul’s words to mind:
“For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” (1 Corinthians 14:33 NIV)
God likes things to be orderly, and I found that to be a great comfort. I really doubt he cares much about the state of my sock drawer, but I know for sure he cares about the state of my heart and mind.
Order versus disorder.
Peace versus chaos.
Summer does not come to us laid out as neat and tidy as we would like, but we can meet with the One who will help us keep a taut mind as events unfold.
I struggle with this…..I read every book and article on organizing, I poor through magazines for organizing ideas….I seem to be naturally disorganized, and yet I can see exactly how to put things into the smallest space to make them all fit! Comes in handy when packing a car or moving van. My thoughts can be jumbled and overlap. I say I think in circles. You know? I always cone back around to my starting point but I’ll often make a huge loop! I know God made me this way for a purpose….I’m not always sure what that purpose is!!!! But I have learned that I am the way I was meant to be.
The place I find peace is in Christ. The place I find organization is when I’m with Him. When He releases me from time with Him, I’m off to the “races” so to speak. He must chuckle at me…..?
It really is amazing how patient God is with us and the way we think. I’m sure he must have a sense of humor!
This is so timely for me. Just moved into new house, looking for new job in new place. Investigating getting licensed as foster home. Hosting an endless stream of visitors over the summer-which is wonderful yet stressful. Perfect timing to remember the God who brings peace out of chaos.
Thank you.
Wow -that’s a lot going on! I pray God will continue to bring you peace of mind and heart, as your getting settled.
I really appreciate your posts and feel like you are a woman I would love to get to know! I am American but live in Finland so the likelihood of us meeting is not high. But thanks for your honesty, humor and passion for Jesus! Love it
You’re very kind. If I am ever in Finland, I’ll call you for an invitation to go out for coffee. 🙂 Thanks for the note, because I love to get to know my readers!
I love you!!! You are a woman after my own heart. Words from you are always like a nice, deep breath, and a warm embrace. Hugs from NC!!!
Hello NC! 🙂 I’ll take that hug, thank you very much.
Thank you for the words of encouragement Christy. I’ve followed you for a couple years now and enjoy reading you, but never comment. So I am repenting. I appreciate the vulnerability you show and the way you weave daily life into simple but profound jewels. I cling to the God of Peace, sometimes by a thread! We need to stick together, from one Pastor’s wife to another and one blogger to another. Congrats on your new book!
So wonderful to hear from you, Loree! You’ve really encouraged me today. May the Lord bless you in your writing and pastor’s wife life. Not easy business!
I love it! Washrags folded with corners touching and tags tucked in! I knew I loved reading your blog and now I know why. 🙂
Thanks for being real.
It takes all kinds, eh? hahaha
No- I meant I fold mine the exact same way!! I love order in my home. Not that it’s always clean though…..:)
Yeah, I’m really great at organizing but not so good at the daily grind of dusting and keeping the bathrooms shiny. Sigh. One of these days…
Chaos, ugh! That’s all my life has been. I love order, some have said I am OCD about it; but really I’m just tired of constantly living s life of chaos.
God has shown me scripture on order when others have told me, “I’m sure He doesn’t care about those wrinkles in that table cloth.” So I’m sure He does care about your sock drawer.
I’m awfully teary lately and, it all goes back to the constant chaos.
I need a trip to Israel!
I will be in Kalispell, the week of July 4th. That’ll have to do, for now.
The trick is to find an internal order in the Lord. I don’t want to wait for life to be “normal” before I have peace of mind and heart.
Exactly how I have been feeling lately. I want peace of mind and heart!!
Thank you for your life that is real and being willing to share it with the world.
ps) I thought your husband was your pastor?
We’re in a church of over 800, so my husband is one of the associate pastors. 🙂