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Finding What Your Heart Craves

For the next two weeks, I’m taking a rest from writing and am enjoying the holidays with my family. (Isn’t it good to rest from our normal routines?) But I have pulled up a few blog posts from the archives and have enjoyed tweaking them a little. I thought this was a good one to re-share with you, because the holidays and steaming hot beverages go together.

Finding What Your Heart Craves -christyfitzwater.com

When Matt and I celebrated our 20th anniversary, we decided to add excitement to our marriage by doing something new.

So we determined to become coffee snobs.

Armed with a four-cup, $2 garage sale coffee pot and a small, budget-appropriate container of Folgers, we began enjoying what my grandma would refer to as a “morning cuppa.” But soon after our snobbery began, we were gifted with a bag of straight-from-Hawaii Kona blend. Caramel coconut.

If I believed in the ancient Egyptian practice of burying a dead person with items he could enjoy in the afterlife, I would request my next of kin please sprinkle that Kona blend around my body in my coffin.

Recently we were given a Coulter Coffee breakfast blend, and they somehow condensed a flannel quilt and crackling fire in the bag. The taste was so warm. I found myself waking up and craving that first cup of coffee.

So my friend was praying out loud at church last night, and she referred to Job 23:12 where he says:

I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread. (NIV)

Then my friend prayed, “Lord, help us to love your words more than food -even more than our morning coffee.”

Did the people around me hear my audible gasp? Or did I just do that internally? What in the world? Do I love God’s words more than my morning cuppa?

I pictured myself slowly wrapping my fingers around a hot mug, sniffing deeply, and talking to the coffee, “Please coffee, make me happy.”

A caffeinated idol?

JOY, PEACE, and LOVE are the words of the season, and I know better than to think those things are found in 16 ounces, even if they include a double shot of espresso and whipped cream art. Yet my heart leans toward what is easy and smells good and can be made with my hands -a quick fix that only lasts until I see the bottom of the cup.

What we want is a bottomless joy.

I want a joy that keeps coming, like the way the waitress keeps topping off your cup if you go to our local Syke’s Diner.

Let’s wrap our hands around a leather-bound copy of the Bible. In the words of God and the time we spend with him, we will find the lasting joy, peace, and love our souls crave.


  1. From a Ministry Man’s wife who just recently sold a Christian Coffee Shop I designed and ran I Totally got that message- could have written it myself -definitely have thought it before 😉 You are in Great company my friend! God Bless you as you continue serving Him- devouring and Thirsting for His word while ‘sipping’ a nice morning cuppa 🙂

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