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Don’t Just Work, Work Happy

That man of mine swung home and took me out for lunch. It was just a quick bite at a fast food place, but it was a precious hour with him.

Then there was the girl at the counter who looked at me with dead eyes and smiled not. Nor did she ask how she could serve me. I placed my order, and she took it without emotional response.

No smile? No greeting?

I can’t help but compare her to another woman behind a counter. I went to Starbucks to meet a friend for coffee on a beautiful Saturday morning this summer, and I stood for about 20 minutes waiting to get my coffee, while my friend saved a seat outside.

My blood pressure rose, and I preached patience to myself. Others waited with toes tapping, while the baristas dashed around like crazy people.

Then the most shocking thing happened.

The barista at the espresso machine in front of my looked up, smiled, and said, So what do you have planned for today?

I looked at her sideways for a second and then shook off the surprise.

I said, I’m going to enjoy coffee and then go home and get some laundry done.

She smiled and kept the conversation going, all the while her hands flying to press coffee and steam milk. She would call out the name on a coffee cup and then turn her attention back to chatting with me. I felt myself relax.

She reminded me to enjoy this life God has given me.

What demeanor do you serve the people you work with?  -christyfitzwater.com

I see a contrast in work demeanor in the classroom, too. Everyone does the assignment, but some do it with mouths turned up and some with mouths turned down.

I have one student who does his work without complaint, and on the way out the door he says, Thank you, Mrs. Fitzwater. 

Isn’t that nice?

Paul says, “Serve one another humbly in love.” (Galatians 5:13)

Love smiles a lot.

It’s a choice, don’t you think? The demeanor we present to others in the work place every day? And with a smile and upbeat energy we deliver hope, which is nonfattening. (Sorry, the donuts left at my husband’s office this morning came to mind.)

Well, off we go. Cheerful, everyone!


  1. I love your posts Christy. They are usually just exactly what I need for that particular time in my life. Thanks for being you and sharing you with us. God bless you.

    1. That’s so encouraging. What a miracle -that God can take the words I write in my pajamas and use them to encourage your spirit. 🙂

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