
Do You Know the Value of Loneliness?

Would you humor me with a trip back to the 80’s?

Because there’s a song that has imprinted powerful words in my mind.  The words are true.  I know this because I’ve tried them out many times in my life.  Please listen?

Today is Valentine’s day, a cruel holiday that shouts, “YOU’RE ALONE!” to every widow, every single person, every woman whose husband has spoken, I don’t love you anymore and walked away.

But if you have Christ you’re not alone.

He says to you, on this day of hearts and roses, “I am with you always…”  (Matthew 28:20  NIV)


I know your names.  The woman with the parenting plan and the assault from his mean-spirited new wife.  The woman with only the picture of him and the hope of heaven.  The woman who questions if a him will ever come.

Do you know that I am sad for you today?  I feel it.  I grieve with you and feel your longing.  I see what your eyes look like when you talk about the loneliness and what it’s like to be the only one warming the bed.

I care about you.

And Christ is with you.  The value in loneliness, in having no strong hand to lock fingers with yours, is that your only choice on this day is the presence of Christ.  He is a good choice.

I pray you will reach for Him and find Him to be a companion who is enough.

He is enough.

I know, because I’ve been lonely before.  Loneliness comes even to the woman who has the wedding ring on.

Christ is close and good.  He gets you.  He knows what you need on February 14.

I love you, and I’m praying for you today.