Can You See How God Is Building You?

Can You See How God Is Building You?

There is a box of Funfetti cake mix on my counter, because today is my 47th birthday, and I am going to take “homemade” cupcakes to school with me. Throw your own party –that’s what my inner seven-year-old tells me.

It’s my birthday!

Now let me back up to last night. A lot of times people ask me, “How can you always think of stuff to write.” The truth is that sometimes I can’t think of anything.

“I’ll tell you what to write,” my husband said to me last night. “Write about these pictures on the fridge. Write about these people and how much they mean to you.”

Because Christmas card pictures cover the whole refrigerator door. They’ll come down on February 1st, but for now we enjoy looking at the faces of friends every time we go for food.

It was a good writing idea, and I’m going to listen to that man, even though he said, “I know: ‘Don’t tell me what to write.’” I’m going to show him how mature I am now that I’m 47, and how I can suppress the strong-willed child who lives with in me and who does not appreciate being told what to do.

So there’s this fridge covered in people, and there’s my life covered in people.

People God has been using to build me.

In Ephesians 4:29 (NIV), Paul says:

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Usually I think about Paul’s words as something I should do, but today I am thinking about all the people God has put in my life who read this verse and considered it something they should do.

This is for the friends who have seen what I have needed and have spoken helpful things to me in many a crucial moment.

Sometimes warm, encouraging words.

Sometimes warm, reprimanding words.

Beneficial talk that has helped me grow into a better woman.

How many times has it been you? I’m thinking of all you readers scattered in the United States and even around the globe. You’ve made encouraging comments that have kept me writing or have written me private notes that have reminded me God is working, even when I can’t see it. You’ve been bricks and mortar in the Lord’s hands, speaking words that build.

It’s a good day to look at the faces God has put in our lives and SEE. We need to see all of the little helpful conversations with these people. Conversations that pile up in a person’s heart.

Imagine I am making cupcakes enough for all of us, and you can come over to enjoy one, with a tall glass of cold milk.

And we’ll sit around and thank God for the people he uses to build us.


  1. Happy belated Birthday Christy! This post has been a blessing to me 🙂

  2. oh I’m just now reading this and I pray your birthday was filled with lots of hugs and joy! Somehow through cyber world and only finding your blog a few months back, I feel like you are a kindred spirit. I think your humility allows the Spirit to truly use you as His vessel. I cannot count the number of times your posts speak directly to my heart–convicting, encouraging, always pointing me back to Him. Thanking Him for the GIFT of YOU today!

    1. What a gift your words are and very well timed. Thank you so much, and I’m glad to get to know you! I did have a wonderful birthday. 🙂

  3. Roschelle Todd says:

    Ok, true confession time. Just a short while ago one of your posts really spoke to me. Celebrating Your Good Kind of Busy hit me at just the right time and the words resonated in my soul. Be busy at home…be busy at home…be busy at home…Titus 2:5. I wrote a comment to you to share how powerful your posts can be, but I couldn’t get my words right, and my punctuation was all wrong, and then there’s that grammar thing. And you know……’re a ….writer, so I deleted it and moved on with my day. Today’s post compels me to share this story with you because God IS working through YOUR words. Thank you for helping me grow. Happy birthday and thanks for the cupcake and the tall glass of cold milk!

    1. You are awesome. Thank you, friend!!! And I have laughed out loud, because you should see how nervous I got when I first started sending emails to the editor of my book. I edited those emails as if they were a college thesis. Hahaha. I think there’s probably a rule that encouragement is allowed a wide margin of spelling and grammar errors. 🙂

  4. Elizabeth Colucci says:

    Happy Birthday, Young one!!

  5. I’m encourage by your post today. Thank you and Happy Birthday!

  6. Love this post. Friends truly are a blessing! Happy Birthday!

  7. How can you think of stuff to write? Been in the ‘same boat’ as you, my friend-in-Christ. The Spirit ALWAYS gives us the nudging, whether it be a photo on the fridge, a husband’s suggestion, or something as ‘small’ as a pebble on the path. You continue to write as He leads, and know that you are not only writing, but obeying so that others (me, always me) benefits from His lessons through you.
    Happy birthday, Christy. Eat those cupcakes, and make sure you put LOTS of sprinkles on them.

    1. The Lord has been encouraging me often lately that obedience is what matters most, so I appreciate you saying that. And sorry -I didn’t have any sprinkles! 🙂

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will celebrate my 55th birthday in less than two weeks and have just started to plan my own party too. I too am forever grateful for my friends and “For All The Saints” who have supported me in this life’s journey. Have a great day!

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