B.U.R.P. stands for “Blow Up Roger’s Place”, and it means family reunion at my dad’s house, ice cold soda in coolers, thick burgers, and watermelon –followed by ten gazillion bottle rockets exploding from empty cans placed on the driveway. Then, when dark falls, the boys light “the big stuff”.
Ooooooh. Aaaaaah.
This is what we do every Fourth of July in my mostly perfect home town of Lander, Wyoming.
Thought I would share some of my happy family pictures with you (these are a few years old, but you’ll get the idea.)

Wishing you a happy Fourth of July and, since we, as followers of Christ, are twice blessed with freedom, I leave you this command from Peter’s lips:
“Live as free people.” (1 Peter 2:16 NIV)
Play hard. Hug everyone in your family –twice. And spell your name with a sparkler.
Oh, thank you! For just a few minutes there I felt like I was in Wyoming with you. Could nearly taste the burgers and laugh with your mom over Matt’s joke. A little sorry I’m not sitting on the step next to you…..Blessings on you and your entire family on this Fourth!!
Always room on the porch for you, my friend.