Would You Do This for Someone Today, Please?
We were getting into the swing of things during my Wednesday night Bible study, when the unplanned and unexpected happen.
My friend had just finished sharing her story with us, when a woman sitting across the room said, Do you know what I love about you?
Right there, in the middle of our Bible study, this older woman encouraged the younger about the lovely goodness of God she has seen working through her.
We all listened.
I watched my friend’s face lift up like the leaves of that plant in my living room when I finally remember to water it after three weeks.
We forget, you know. We forget there’s anything worth loving about us. We forget there have been times when God’s grace has poured out of us to other people, and there is beauty and goodness in who Christ is shaping us to be.
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.” (1 John 4:7 NIV)
Will you please look someone in the eye today and say, Do you know what I love about you?