If You Need Help
The nice Costco man looked at me and said, Those 8-foot kayak boxes aren’t going to fit in this 4-foot truck bed.
But I had already paid for the kayaks, and they don’t hold things for you at Costco. He kindly told me that they would hold onto them if I could come back with a bigger truck in the next few hours.
Except I didn’t have a bigger truck, and my husband was in the middle of appointments and couldn’t help me.
What’s a girl to do?
I said to myself, Who would want to help me?
A face and a name came to mind, of a friend with a big truck and an even bigger kindness of heart. He was pulling up in front of Costco within minutes, loading up those kayaks and delivering them straight to my garage –with a smile.
My moment of inability became his moment of total hero-ness. (When I saw a girlfriend in Costco and told her who was coming to rescue me, she said, He’s awesome! Yup, awesome.)
So I woke up this morning and turned to Isaiah 40-41, where the Lord calls his people four things: Grass, grasshoppers, worm, and little.
You won’t find these descriptors on the front page of a woman’s magazine.
But listen to what is wrapped around them: “Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 41:14 NIV)
Girls with 8-foot burdens and 4-foot souls need a Redeemer.
Right there with my Bible open to Isaiah, I said, Lord, I’m a worm. I’m a grasshopper. I’m a little blade of grass that turns brown under a hot wind. But I am also the one in the middle of grief and stress who is experiencing the resourceful heroism of the Holy One.
Yes, ma’am. The girls who want help have to admit they need it.